Spain in the 15th -16th Century
Reunification of Spain: Isabel I y Fernando II (Reyes Católicos)
The Catholic Monarchs is how they called Isabel I de
Castilla and Fernando II de Aragón .
They were second cousins, being both descended from
Juan I of Castilla. They married secretly on October 19, 1469,
in the city of Valladolid; Isabel was eighteen years old and
Fernando seventeen. The unification of Spain took place
due to this marriage. Spain was still a union of two crowns
since Castilla and Aragon remained separate kingdoms,
with most of their own separate institutions, for decades.
Castilla and Fernando II de Aragón .
They were second cousins, being both descended from
Juan I of Castilla. They married secretly on October 19, 1469,
in the city of Valladolid; Isabel was eighteen years old and
Fernando seventeen. The unification of Spain took place
due to this marriage. Spain was still a union of two crowns
since Castilla and Aragon remained separate kingdoms,
with most of their own separate institutions, for decades.
The title of "Catholic King and Queen" was given by Pope
Alexander VI in 1494, in recognition of their defense of the
Catholic faith within their kingdoms.
Alexander VI in 1494, in recognition of their defense of the
Catholic faith within their kingdoms.
With the marriage of Isabel and Fernando, Enrique IV, Isabel's
brother considered the Treaty of the Toros of Guisando
broken, in which Isabel could be the queen of the kingdom of
Castilla if she married the person that he wanted. He wanted
to marry her with the king of Portugal or France and not
Aragon. Due to this marriage he declared her daughter
Juana la Beltraneja the heir of the kingdom of Castilla. When
Enrique IV died a civil war started (1474-1479) for the
succession of the throne. The ones in favor of Isabel and
the ones in favor of Juana. The ones in favor of Isabel won.
broken, in which Isabel could be the queen of the kingdom of
Castilla if she married the person that he wanted. He wanted
to marry her with the king of Portugal or France and not
Aragon. Due to this marriage he declared her daughter
Juana la Beltraneja the heir of the kingdom of Castilla. When
Enrique IV died a civil war started (1474-1479) for the
succession of the throne. The ones in favor of Isabel and
the ones in favor of Juana. The ones in favor of Isabel won.
Territorial Expansion and exploration
Both kingdoms were unified under the same monarchs, but
administratively, each kingdom kept their own identity, laws, courts… and the only common institution
was the Inquisition.
administratively, each kingdom kept their own identity, laws, courts… and the only common institution
was the Inquisition.
The occidental Indies or America and Melilla,
In 1504 the queen Isabel died, leaving the kingdom of Castilla to
her daughter Juana, known as Juana La Loca due to mental illness, naming her husband Felipe de Austria, el Hermoso, regent of the
kingdom with the help of Fernando. They didn’t get along so
Felipe was named king of Castilla and Fernando retired to the kingdom of Aragon until 1506 when Felipe I died and he controlled again both
kingdoms, Castilla and Aragon.
kingdom with the help of Fernando. They didn’t get along so
Felipe was named king of Castilla and Fernando retired to the kingdom of Aragon until 1506 when Felipe I died and he controlled again both
kingdoms, Castilla and Aragon.
When the king of Navarra died, the kingdom is handed to his sister Germana de Foix, now married to Fernando II who took the kingdom of Navarra in 1513 and therefore he was recognized as the King of Navarra. In 1515 finally the whole territory was then unified. Fernando was known then as Fernando II King of Aragon, Fernando V of Castilla, King of Sicilia, Cerdeña, and Napoles and King of Navarra.
Fernando continued expanding his territories on the Mediterranean sea as well as the Atlantic Ocean, conquering el Peñón de Vélez de la Gomera, Orán, Bugia y Trípoli, Argel and
Fernando died in 1516 and the kingdom passed to his grandson, Carlos I.
Reyes Católicos Reforms
-The Monarchy took control of the army, economy, and
-Power was centralized. The monarchs took privileges away from nobility and the Church:
absolute monarchs
-A strong , modern army was built to fight for the country and
control its economy.
-There was an increasing interest in territorial expansion and
-Strong alliances with other European countries were established
-The Spanish Inquisition was established in order to punish people who didn’t follow the rules
established by the Catholic church.
1492. End of Reconquista
In 1479 both kingdoms were unified and the only common institution was the Inquisition.
Jews and Muslims were persecuted in order to convert them
(converted muslims were called Moriscos), in some cases they
were persecuted by the Inquisition and in 1492, those
who didn’t convert were expelled. In 1492 Granada was defeated.
This was considered the end of the Reconquista. With the expulsion
of jews and muslims.Or persecuted by the Inquisición
(converted muslims were called Moriscos), in some cases they
were persecuted by the Inquisition and in 1492, those
who didn’t convert were expelled. In 1492 Granada was defeated.
This was considered the end of the Reconquista. With the expulsion
of jews and muslims.Or persecuted by the Inquisición
Discovery of America
In 1492 the Reyes Catolicos met Cristobal Colon and accepted after three attempts, his proposal
of sponsoring his trip to find a new route to India and China.
of sponsoring his trip to find a new route to India and China.
Cristobal Colon was an Italian explorer who wanted to find a new sea route to Asia going west
across the Atlantic Ocean. He was convinced this route was shorter. The Reyes Católicos
across the Atlantic Ocean. He was convinced this route was shorter. The Reyes Católicos
finances his expedition.
He promised them to bring back gold, spices, and silk, as well as to spread Christianity.
On August 3, 1492, the three caravels (La Pinta, La Niña and La Santa María) left Palos
de la Frontera in Huelva and on October 12, 1492, he reached San Salvador in the Bahamas.
He thought this was India, that is why he called the people Indians.
He thought this was India, that is why he called the people Indians.
He made three more voyages, but he died not knowing that the continent was not Asia but America.
In his trips he looked for "the three G's": gold, glory and God (spreading the Catholic religion).
In his trips he looked for "the three G's": gold, glory and God (spreading the Catholic religion).
After colonizing America
-Spanish ports grew in importance; for example the port of Sevilla
-Ship-building industry also developed
-Spain exported goods: wool and leather; flour, cereals, oil and wine to America.
-Spain imported new products from America: fruits and vegetables as well as gold and silver.
Spain became the most powerful country in Europe.
Spanish Empire
Carlos I. An Habsburg.
The grandson of the Reyes Catolicos became king in 1516 after the death
of Fernando II. He was the first Spanish king of the Habsburg dynasty.
He ruled over a great empire that included Spain and his territories in
America and Germany. He was called Carlos V of Germany too
(Carlos I de España y V de Alemania). Because of his extensive empire
he was also called "The king of the empire on which the Sun never set".
When he died he divided his empire into two kingdoms:
of Fernando II. He was the first Spanish king of the Habsburg dynasty.
He ruled over a great empire that included Spain and his territories in
America and Germany. He was called Carlos V of Germany too
(Carlos I de España y V de Alemania). Because of his extensive empire
he was also called "The king of the empire on which the Sun never set".
When he died he divided his empire into two kingdoms:
-The German empire which was given to his brother Fernando.
-The Spanish empire and the Netherlands that was given to his son Felipe II.
Felipe II.
The son of Carlos I , Felipe II, became king in 1556. The Spanish empire expanded, especially to America.
In 1580 he conquered Portugal, controlling all the Iberian Peninsula, and therefore the Portuguese
territories in America, Africa and Asia.
This period was also a period of wars and conflicts. He won many battles: La Batalla de Lepanto.
The Spanish navy was called La Armada Invencible, that tried to invade Britain but failed.
These wars were very expensive so he used the gold and silver brought from America to pay for them, this was the reason why the spanish population became poorer
Johannes Gutenberg: invented the printing press in Europe. This was considered as the most important invention in modern times. Without the printing press we wouldn't have had the Scientific Revolution or the Renaissance. Our world would be very different.
His presses could print 1000's of pages per day versus only 40-50 pages with the old method, by hand. The invention of the printing press spread rapidly throughout Europe and soon thousands of books were being printed on printing presses.
The Renaissance is a cultural movement that developed in Italy
during the XIV century before spreading throughout Europe,
during the XV and XVI century. It was the rebirth of the classical
models of Rome and Greece.
during the XV and XVI century. It was the rebirth of the classical
models of Rome and Greece.
Artists looked for inspiration in Ancient Greece and Rome.
It was the moment "coming out of the dark", since it was a
rebirth of education, science, art, literature, music and a better life for people in general.
rebirth of education, science, art, literature, music and a better life for people in general.
Important Italian Artists:
-Leonardo da Vinci:
The term Renaissance Man refers to a person that is an expert and talented in many areas. The true geniuses of the Renaissance were great examples of this.
Leonardo da Vinci was a master painter, sculptor, scientist, inventor, architect, engineer and writer.
He painted la Mona Lisa, among other works.
-Michelangelo or Miguel Ángel: was also a superb Italian painter, sculptor and architect.
Work: Cúpula de la capilla Sixtina, el David.
-Raphael: he was a very important Italian painter and architect.
-Raphael: he was a very important Italian painter and architect.

The Renaissance spread to Spain in the 15th-16th centuries.
-El Greco: was a painter, sculptor and architect. Very dramatic style.
Spanish writers
-Garcilaso de la Vega: a Spanish poet.
Elegías o Sonetos
Elegías o Sonetos
-Fray Luis de León: a Spanish poet.
El Cantar de los Cantares de Salomón.
-Fernando de Rojas Spanish writer. Being a student
he wrote "La Celestina".Then he worked as a lawyer and died in Talavera de la Reina.
-San Juan de la Cruz
-Jorge Manrique: "Copla a la muerte de su padre"
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