Electricity is a form of energy that goes from one place to another and that is produced by the movement of electrons. It has two charges, positive and negative charges.
What is an atom? The basic unit of matter. It is formed by the three different elements: electrons with a negative charge, protons with a positive charge and neutron with a neutral charge. Protons and nuetrons are found in the nucleus of the atom.
There are two types of energy:
clean energy or green energy: come from nature and are reusable. They are unlimited.
- hydroenergy: comes from water
-Eolic energy: comes from the wind
-Tidal energy: comes from the tides of the sea
-Solar energy: comes from the energy of the Sun
-Geothermal energy: comes from the heat of the Earth...
2.- Non -Renewable energy: energy that comes from fossils, that's why they are also called, fossil fuels. They are non-renewable and they are limited.
Examples: gas, oil, petroleum, nuclear, coal,...
Renewable energy causes less pollution than fossil fuels. The source of the energy can change, but electricity wtill works the same.

Materials that led electricity flow are called CONDUCTORS
and materials that don't let electricity flow, are called
Here are some types of enegy.
Magnet has a force in it that you cannot see, you can only see what the force does, the magnetic field.
- It pulls some objects towards itself : attract
- pushes some others away: repel.
These effects are called magnetism and happens because it has opposite poles, negative and positive, and, remember, opposites attract!
Materials: magnets only work on some kinds of materials. Iron and steel are metals that are magnetic, they are magnetic materials and therefore attract.
Non-magnetic materials do not attract. Plastic, wood, glass... are
examples of non-magnetic materials
You can make an electromagnet
An electromagnet is a magnet that is created using an electric current, created by electricity. Since electricity can be turned on and off, so can an electromagnet.
William Gilbert (1544-1603) was the personal doctor of Queen Elizabeth I and King James I. He was the first person to realize that the earth is a giant magnet. So you can think of Earth as a huge magnet. It's poles attract as a magnet. It has a magnet field.
No matter where you are on Earth, a compass will always point north.
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