4th grade. Weather and climate. BT

 Weather and climate.


we are going to learn what the meaning of WEATHER and CLIMATE is.

What is weather?

Weather describes all the atmospheric conditions in a specific place and time. When talking about weather, we take into account four factors: 

Temperature, Humidity, Wind and Precipitation

1.- Temperature: is a measure of how cold or hot the air is.
In order to measure temperature we use the THERMOMETER.

Temperature can be measured with two scales: Celcius  or Fahrenheit.

2.-Humidity: describes how much water vapour there is in the air. Fog and mist can be formed.
In order to measure humidity we use a HYGROMETER.

3.- Wind: is moving air.
Types of wind:
Gentle breeze: it is a soft wind.
Bluster: it is a rough wind.
Gale: it's a strong wind.
Hurricane: it's a very strong wind.

The speed of  wind is measured  with the ANEMOMETER
The direction of wind is measured with the VANE.

You can make your own... take a look.

4.- Precipitation: is the water that falls to the ground. It can fall as
liquid: rain, drizzle, sleet, or solid: hail or snow.

Precipitation is measured with a RAIN GAUGE.

CLOUDS are formed when water evaporates and condensates. Water droplets evaporate and gather together creating clouds. When they get too heavy, they fall and  this is called precipitation.
Types of clouds:

Cirrus: these clouds are high clouds, they are made of ice particles, since they are so high in the sky. They tell us that bad weather is coming.
Cumulus: these clouds are fluffly soft clouds, they look like puffs of cotton. They are a sign of good weather.
Stratus: these clouds are low in the sky. They look like flat sheets of clouds. 

Weather forecast.

To predict weather professional meteorologists collect information about
1.- Rainfall
2.- Temperature
3.- Sunshine
4.- Wind speed

Throughout the world there are many weather stations that send weather information to the weather forecast centres. Weather satellites also send information to the weather forecast centres. These profesionals take all the data collected and predict weather.

Weather forecasts can be seen on TV, Internet, newspaper.... or heard on the radio. Take a look at the weather in Spain.  

To show weather prediction we use maps with weather symbols.

Weather can affect daily life. It can affect economy and health.

CLIMATE: Describes the main weather characteristics of a place. The following characteristics describe it:

1-The size and location

2.- The presence of mountains and plains

3.-Atmospheric wind systems

4.- Ocean currents.

5.- Air Pressure

According to these characteristics we can  name three big climates:

1.- Polar Climate: is cold all year round. In winter temperatures may reach -50º celcius. In summer the sun barely sets.

2.- Tropical Climate is warm all year. They have rainy seasons. This climate is located between the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn.

3.- Temperate Climate: is mild weather. With hot summers and cold winters. The most populated parts of the world are placed here.

In Spain we can differentiate the following five types of climates:

1.- Oceanic climate: mild and rainy weather. Galicia, Cantabria and the west of the Pyrenees

2.- Mediterranean climate: high temperatures in summer and mild winters. Poor rain. Mediterranean coast, Islas Baleares and Andalucía.

3.- Mountain climate: cold weather in winter and mild in summer. Precipitation is abundant and with the altitude often falls as snow.

4.- Mediterranean continental climate: very low temperatures in winter and very high temperatures in summer. Poor rain.  Meseta central, Delta del Ebro, parts of Andalucía and Cataluña.

5.- Subtropical climate: mild temperatures all year round. It doesn't rain too much. Islas Canarias.

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