Projects. CBRT new into school

There is something I love about education and this is getting new things into school, CBRT implies recognising the potential and range of intelligence in our pupils and allowing them to use their own way of learning to make sense of the world and make learning meaningful for them.
Give me an "Oh yeah!"

I want to thanks Azucena, our student teacher for sharing this with me.
Thank you Azucena.

How did we started?
This was the moment, just through a new unit of Natural Science relater to birds and mammals. 
We were going to introduce contents through a roll play, where student would read their part and learn contents at the same time, that is..... 
I can say kids did a great job, not only because they learned contents, but also 
because they had selfconfidents to what they were doing.

We wanted to award our students with these diploms for such a great job.

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 "Ten en cuenta que el contenido de este vídeo y las fotos incluye escenas de menores de edad por lo que te ruego no lo compartas con nadie y lo visualices solamente tú. Además, está prohibido copiar, compartir, transmitir, retransmitir, transcribir, almacenar, alterar o reproducir por cualquier medio electrónico o mecánico este contenido, sin permiso por escrito por parte del autor."
