4th grade. Natural Science My BODY! JK

We are starting a new unit about my body... we know many things... take a look!!!

What happens when we eat an apple?
             Where does it go? 
Let's learn what happens to that apple...

The Digestive system is formed by: 
-The mouth: we bite the apple
-The teeth: we chew and cut the appel into small pieces.
-The tongue: the tongue helps the saliva mix with the food.
-The esophagus or gullet: the food goes down.
-The stomach: the food mixes with the gastric juice. 
-The small intestine: the nutrients are absorbed to the circulatory system.
-The large intestine: the water is absorbed here.
-The anus: the waste goes out here.
Let´s sing!
Let´s play, just click on game!

Here is the Power Point made by 4th grade B. 
Check the Power Point.

Great, now we know everything about the Digestive System... what about learning about the... 


We breathe in oxygen through our nose,when our diaphragm contracts.
We breathe out carbon dioxide when our diaphragm relaxes.

Step by step

1. We breathe in oxygen through our nose.
2. The oxygen goes down the trachea into our lungs.
3. The oxygen goes through the bronchi and the
bronquioles to the alveoli.
4. The oxygen goes through the alveoli into the capillaries to all our body.
5. The carbon dioxide of our body goes out through our lungs, our trachea and out through our nose.

Here is how it works.....

Here is the Respiratory Master for you to follow
Check this Power Point.

Travel to the Respiratory System!

Let´s play, just click on game!

What is that?

The Circulatory system carries the nutrients from the food we eat and oxygen from the air we breath all around our body, through the blood vessels.

The Circulatory system is formed by the HEART and BLOOD VESSELS.

The HEART beats non-stop like a pump, moving the blood. It is divided into atriums and ventricles
The BLOOD VESSELS carry the blood around the body.These are:
The Arteries carry blood with nutrients and oxigen from the heart to the rest of the body.
The veins carry blood from the body to the heart.
The capillaries conect the veins and arteries.

The Heart pumps the blood all around our body.

Click here to see the Power Point Presentation


 The Locomotor System is the system in charge of moving our body. It is formed by our bones and muscles.

Bones protect our heart, stomach and brain.

Resultado de imagen de locomotive system for kidsResultado de imagen de locomotive system for kids

Watch this video to learn about our Locomotor System.

The last of the systems that we will see this year is the locomotor system.

Why and How do we move???

1.- My body moves because I have bonesfor example: the backbone, the finger bone, the skull, the ribs, the pelvis, the arm bones, the leg bones and the feet bones.

2.- My body moves because I have musclesfor example: bíceps and tríceps.

3.- My body moves because I have joints, for example: neck, shoulders, elbows, wrists, knee, hips, ankles,...

4.- My body moves because I have tendons. Tendons hold together bones and muscles.

Here you have the Locomotor Master used in class! 


Let's watch this Power Point that a group has made.Check it out!!!
Reproductive system is divided in two: Male and Female Organs

-The male reproductive system is formed by the testicles, the scrotum, the urethra and the penis. The male sex cell is the sperm.

-The female reproductive system is formed by the ovaries. fallopian tubes, uterus, vagina and vulva. The female sex cell is the ova or egg.

-Fertilisation is when a sperm joins the ovum or egg and a new life starts to grow.

A new life is created. It takes a woman 9 months to give birth to the new baby. This is called pregnancy.

Game 1
Game 2

The nervous system is the most powerful of all systems.... it controls everything we do in our body. It is the BOSS.
It is divided in Central Nervous system and Peripheral Nervous system.
-Central Nervous system contains the Brain and the Spinal cord
-Peripheral nervous system is formed by a great amount of nerves around the body.
Of course... we also have a presentation: Click here to see the Power Point.

If you want to learn more about this system... check this video out!!!

In order to keep your body healthy you need to:
1.- Wash your hands
2.- Brush your teeth
3.- Do lots of exercise
4.- Enjoy free time
5.- Rest: 8-10 hours
6.- Have a shower or a bath
7.- Keep a healthy diet.

If you don't keep a healthy body you can suffer this consequences
1.- A Cold or the flu
2.- Stomachache
3.- Tireness
4.- Respiratory problems: asthma
5.- Toothache and cavities
6.- Obesity

To keep a healthy and balanced diet we need to eath taking into consideration the following Food Pyramid

We need to eat carbohydrates every day... those are Cereals.
Fruits and vegetables are vitamins and minerals.
Dairies are all the products that come from the milk.
Proteins are meat products, fish, chicken, pulses, nuts and soy.
We shouldn't eat fats or sugary food every day,...only once in a while!!!

Play some healthy games!!!!

Check this Power Point. Great job!!!!!

Click here to see the Power Point.

Review the Body through this Power Point by Helena
